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Hypnotherapy Services

Ray of Light


What is Clinical Hypnosis?

When managed by an experienced hypnotherapist, a hypnotic state of mind is a very powerful aid to recovery and development. In the clinical setting, hypnosis is accompanied by pleasant physical relaxation, this relaxation alone helps with stress-induced symptoms and issues.

I’ve found hypnosis particularly effective with children and adolescents (with parental or guardian consent). I specialise in changing obsessions, compulsions and habits such as bed wetting, thumb sucking, fussy eating, stuttering and nail biting. 

For those who want to lose weight by hypnosis, I offer virtual lap band surgery, which usually takes around three sessions.  

Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state between being awake and asleep. At all times, you can simply snap out of a hypnotic state, as easily as you come out of a daydream.


The Gastric Lap Band Weight Loss with Hypnosis

Using an imaginary Gastric band fitting during hypnosis is a creative way to help individuals with an overweight problem to shed kilos without undergoing any of the expensive and dangerous medical and surgical procedures. 

This Hypnotic Lap Band is designed to create a very different and unique relationship with food for the patient and perhaps with alcohol as well; so that they eat less with smaller portions of food and enjoy a generally healthier diet.  However, just as having a traditional Gastric Lap Band surgically fitted is not a quick fix, or a miracle cure, neither is the Hypnotic Gastric Lap Band: with both procedures, several life style changes are also necessary. 

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